

Effective Date2021年8月17日 

DTCC actively supports the following browsers on the listed operating systems:

制造商的网站/ URL
Google Chrome
Version 91.0.4472.114(官方版本)(32位)


Windows 10 (21H1)或更高版本
MS Edge (may be configured for IE mode if needed for legacy websites)


Version 91.0.864.41(官方版本)(64位) Windows 10 (21H1)或更高版本

The standalone version of Internet Explorer 11 is no longer supported internally as of April 15th, 2022. DTCC advises clients to use MS Edge with the IE mode for IE dependency URLs.

Other Browsers
Other browsers that are not in the Supported Browser matrix above may work with DTCC’s web sites and applications. However, they have not been tested and certified to be compatible which means DTCC will not provide support for them.

支持的浏览器矩阵及常见问题解答可在此浏览: http://purebred.talbertfenceanddeck.com/browser

DTCC will actively support the Browsers in the Supported Browser matrix above. 确保最好的客户体验, we test new releases of our externally-facing websites and web applications with the versions of the browsers and on the 操作系统s listed in the matrix above, on the release build generally available from the browser vendor at the time of testing. Later minor updates of the same browser version may not be tested but are also supported.

DTCC’s web applications have been tested and are certified to work with at least one of the 支持的浏览器. 在某些情况下, a particular application may have not yet been enhanced to support both 支持的浏览器.  

Other browsers and other versions of the actively 支持的浏览器 may also be compatible with DTCC’s websites and web applications, however DTCC may not test or remediate known compatibility issues with them. 

DTCC will assess new versions of the 支持的浏览器 within 6 months of their General Availability release, and make a new version available for internal web application testing within 4.5个月的时间来决定是否积极支持某个浏览器或版本. 在正常的业务过程中, DTCC will continue to support the designated 支持的浏览器 for up to 1 year following changes to this designation to allow time for users to move to newly designated actively-supported browsers or versions.

DTCC will review the list of supported browsers at least annually and communicate material changes to Clients and other end users.

虽然我们不推荐特定的浏览器, 我们确实有一些安全建议, 简化的用法:

Use the latest supported version of one of the secure browsers listed in the matrix above

Certain DTCC web applications may render more effectively in MS Edge's Internet Explorer Mode. 如需帮助,请参阅下面的常见问题解答.

Browser FAQs

Update your computer with the latest security patches available from the vendor

  • Enable TLS 1.2或以上加密
  • 启用JavaScript 
  • 接受浏览器cookie
  • How do I know if my browser will work with DTCC’s websites and applications?
    All DTCC websites and web applications have been tested to work with one or both of the 支持的浏览器 listed at the top of this document. If your current browser does not work properly with our website or application, 请尝试其中一个支持的浏览器.
  • What browser settings do I need to use DTCC's websites and applications?
    DTCC requires that the 支持的浏览器 be configured to enable TLS 1.2 .加密、JavaScript和浏览器cookie. 只有在服务器协商的情况下才会使用较低的协议.

    In Chrome, 在Location栏中输入chrome://settings/, 或从命令菜单中选择设置推荐, 显示Chrome的设置页面. Then scroll to Advanced settings, or select advanced settings from the page menu:

  • chrome option

    For MS Edge's IE mode, such settings are managed by the organization.

  • 为什么我需要升级浏览器?
    The browser providers (Microsoft and Google) regularly update their browser products to improve the security and stability of the browsers. Using up-to-date browser versions can help keep your computer and your data safe from malicious online threats.
  • 如果我的浏览器不受支持,我该怎么办?
    DTCC recommends using one of the 支持的浏览器 as the best way to access our websites and applications.

    Many modern browsers may work with DTCC’s applications and websites, 但是,如果您的浏览器目前不支持DTCC, you will need to explore adopting one of our supported browsers in order to avoid service disruption.
  • 我如何知道我的在线会话是否被加密?
    Modern browsers including MS Edge and Chrome indicate within the browser’s address bar whether the session is encrypted. 安全会话通常使用安全版本的web协议, HTTPS; if this is displayed in the address bar at the start of the URL, 会话使用加密.

    Additionally, both Chrome and MS Edge indicate within the Location bar whether the session is secure. Chrome has a dropdown at the left edge of the Location bar; in MS Edge this indicator is on the right side, 如果您使用IE模式,这不会改变. 不管用什么浏览器, you will need to click on the lock icon indicator to reveal the level of security of the session you are in:
  • 在Google Chrome中:
    在MS Edge和IE模式下:
    MS Edge浏览器会话安全
  • 我怎样才能进一步了解你们的隐私和安全政策?
    Please see: http://purebred.talbertfenceanddeck.com/privacy
  • 如何获得有关支援浏览器的更多资讯?
    Please contact DTCC’s Client Support organizations, or your Relationship Manager. Details about a specific web application may be available from the DTCC Product team that manages the web application. 有关DTCC支持,请参见客户中心, http://purebred.talbertfenceanddeck.com/client-center.
  • 如何禁用企业组策略设置?
    如果您仍然在门户上看到遵从性警报弹出, 在测试了2个支持的浏览器后, 这可能是因为配置是通过I来设置的.T. 不可见或无法访问的组策略. Please contact your IT support group to have any DTCC URLs removed from the Enterprise site lists. DTCC应用程序必须在本机模式或IE模式下运行.
  • 如何在MS Edge中启用或禁用IE模式 ?
    The IE mode feature will load IE 11 in an individual tab in MS Edge, this tab becomes the IE browser for any site that needs the specific rendering format of IE.

    Please review the following link for more specifics on understanding and using the IE mode from MS Edge:
  • 转到常见问题解答的顶部
