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存高级管理人员与行业专家一起在该公司最近的虚拟会议上讨论了vnsr威尼斯城官网登入行业的数字创新, live-streamed event titled, 2020年存论坛:公共和私人市场的数字化转型.”

“Technology has enabled us to reduce risk and cost, 提高效率, and increase the safety and stability of the marketplace,迈克·博德森说, 存 President and CEO. “今天的后贸易体系是世界上效率最高、成本最低的体系.”

The event focused on 存’s Projects Ion and Whitney, 旨在实现T+0结算和资产代币化的举措. 这项工作建立在存利用技术推动交易后处理创新的传统基础上,同时保持最高水平的风险管理.

Leading Innovation: Moving Fast Without Breaking Things

在开幕的炉边聊天中,存总经理Rob Palatnick & Chief Technology Architect, 詹妮弗·佩夫, 存 Managing Director, 业务创新, discussed how business innovation, supported by technology, makes client-focused ideas real, while also reducing time and cost to market. 新兴技术可以通过提高效率、降低成本和风险,在帮助解决行业的主要痛点方面发挥重要作用.

使用一个开发周期,从概念验证阶段到原型,然后生产, combined with an Enterprise Agile development model, 存 is able to achieve continuous iteration and refinement. 当与新兴金融技术的应用相结合时,这种方法尤其强大.

Peve emphasized the firm’s client-first approach. “我们从商业问题开始,而不是技术问题,”她说. “行业专业知识和技术敏锐度有助于深入了解利益相关者的痛点. Concepts are then brought to life through technology.”

“存在过去四十年的技术之旅带来了创新, moving the industry from paper to computer, 批处理到实时性,单点故障到多区域弹性,帕拉特尼克说. “这一旅程的下一个合乎逻辑的步骤是进一步探索数字化, making T+0 and asset tokenization a possible reality.”

Project Ion - Making T+0 a Reality

存与业界合作,探索分布式账本技术(DLT)和dtc合格证券的重新表示. Project Ion是一个创新净额结算能力的例子, coupled with more modern technologies, can drive accelerated settlement while shaping the future of U.S. equities market structure. Artem Korenyuk, 存 Executive Director, 业务创新, moderated a panel on Project Ion, 他评论说,缩短时间只是加速结算的一个方面.

Korenyuk说:“真正的好处最终是通过降低成本和风险来量化的。. “By reducing settlement times, 加速结算显著降低了支持公开交易所需的资金量,并通过更好的资金管理优化了CCP的风险保护业务价值.”

A shortened settlement cycle could strengthen financial markets, particularly in times of significant volatility. 其他好处包括提高资本效率,降低市场和利润率风险,同时提高运营效率,提供无缝对账. These capabilities can be used in multiple settlement environments, 包括网, 以提高资本效率,并将其应用于所有符合dtc资格的证券.

“Project Ion is another step forward in accelerated settlement, taking advantage of multilateral netting, ultimately reducing NSCC market risk, as well as the amount of margin 存 collects,麦克·麦克莱恩说, 存股权清算和直接转矩结算服务总经理. “Integrated into the current infrastructure, Ion将为快速采用者提供可选性和能力,以便更快地利用关键特性.”

“资讯科技的实施是为了改善价值链不同部分的痛点,” said Emmanuel Aidoo, Global Head of Digital Asset Markets, 瑞士信贷(Credit Suisse), commenting on the tremendous rate of change in the industry, progressing from paper to electronic, 现在是数字时代. “DLT为我们提供了统一不同流程的机会,这些流程是随着时间的推移而建立起来的.”

存 continues to work with strategic partners on Project Ion. 客户对实时演示的反馈将有助于在参与最终vnsr威尼斯城官网登入之前修改概念证明以开发原型和测试功能.

Project Whitney - 标记 in the 私人市场

In the private markets, 存 has been exploring asset tokenization. 特蕾莎Paraschac, 存 Executive Director, Global Government Relations and 业务创新, moderated a panel on 存’s Project Whitney, 强调数字基础设施在私营市场的好处.

佩夫说:“私人市场面临各种各样的挑战,需要一个不同的解决方案. “惠特尼项目的开发是为了研究代币化和数字基础设施如何通过其资产生命周期改变私人市场.”

“Pain points include differing valuations, an intense lack of data and standards, a manually-intensive process, 没有库, 更少的流动性, 有限的访问, and other barriers to entry,” said Jay Biancamano, U.S. Head of Digital vnsr威尼斯城官网登入, State Street. “与此同时,这些市场的增长速度比公开市场快得多.”

惠特尼项目是存提供弹性后贸易基础设施历史的自然延伸, Peve指出. “我们相信惠特尼可以让我们将存的优势扩展到私人市场, 提供积极的, automated compliance, 在一个中心位置创建标准化和维护库存记录.”

惠特尼计划有可能使私人市场民主化, allowing increased liquidity, and seamless entry and exit points. 好处还包括手动和管理任务的自动化, 开放式架构允许金融机构进行交互,提高了速度和创意.

The main goal of any initiative, involving tokenization, is an improved end-user experience, Biancamano补充道, whether by eliminating processes, implementing cost savings and being completely transparent.

惠特尼项目是一个功能原型,允许存与关键利益相关者合作,了解平台如何满足他们的需求并集成到工作流程中, ensuring client value and developing a case for change.

Focused on Reimagination - Delivering Value Together

离子计划和惠特尼计划都仍处于试验阶段, 项目进展的决定将根据行业的进一步分析和反馈来决定. 存将继续与战略合作伙伴在这些和其他项目上合作,以更好地了解客户需求并推进创新.

“We continue to make great strides on the digital journey, 认识到金融科技将在推动市场结构改善方面发挥关键作用,博德森总结道. “我们相信,与客户和利益相关者的公开对话对于更好地了解他们的需求和推进创新至关重要. 这是我们整个行业共同重塑金融市场的漫长旅程的第一步.”



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