

  • 概述

    发行前消息传递服务(PIM)使为货币市场工具(MMI)证券提供服务的交易商和发行支付代理(IPA)银行能够在市场发行之前传达发行指令. 使用PIM服务, 消息通过标准协议发送和接收,并通过直接转矩的中央消息传递中心记录布局. The service utilizes IBM's MQSeries commercial messaging software.

  • Who Can Use The Service


  • 好处

    PIM improves the communication process by offering a low-cost, standardized and reliable communications mechanism. 直接转矩 charges the sending party for each message. T在这里 is no charge to the receiver. 经销商不再需要为与之通信的每个IPA支持单独的连接, which presents significant risk reduction and cost savings to both parties.

  • 服务如何运作


    All messages will be sent between the Dealer and IPA via MQ series. Messages will be routed through 直接转矩, which will act as a communications hub for this service.

    • 直接转矩 will not edit the message data. 然而, 如果在消息上设置了MQ“到达时确认”参数,直接转矩将向传递者返回无法传递的消息.
    • 直接转矩 will not retain copies of messages. It is recommended that all messages be "persistent," to ensure delivery.
    • Password protocol must be set between the Dealer and the IPA. 每日开始记录将包含经销商当天的密码(以及该IPA),并应由IPA进行验证.
    • 所有错误都应该使用应答记录中包含的特定错误代码字段传达给另一方.


    The following are the 12-record types:

    • SD -每日开始记录(由经销商发送给国际出版商vnsr威尼斯城官网登入):该记录可由经销商发送给与其对接的每个国际出版商vnsr威尼斯城官网登入,以通知国际出版商vnsr威尼斯城官网登入他正在签署当天的协议. The IPA will respond with an SR record.
    • SR -国际出版商vnsr威尼斯城官网登入银行对经销商每日开始记录的回复(由国际出版商vnsr威尼斯城官网登入发送给经销商):该记录由国际出版商vnsr威尼斯城官网登入发送给经销商,以确认收到每日开始记录.
    • AT -添加交易记录(从交易商发送到国际图联):此记录用于向国际图联发送交易商与投资者进行的MMI交易的详细信息. 这些信息最终将以MMI发行指令的形式从IPA传送到直接转矩. The IPA will respond with an RD record.
    • CT -取消交易记录(由经销商发送给国际清算vnsr威尼斯城官网登入):该记录由经销商发送给国际清算vnsr威尼斯城官网登入,以取消先前发送给国际清算vnsr威尼斯城官网登入的添加交易记录. The IPA will respond with a RD record.
    • DR -交易商释放交易记录(由交易商发送给IPA):交易商将此记录发送给IPA,请求释放CP交易,以便在直接转矩系统中发行. The IPA will reply with a RD record.
    • RD - IPA银行对经销商交易记录的回复(由IPA发送给经销商):IPA在收到AT后将此记录发送给经销商, CT或DR记录. It indicates whether the IPA accepts or rejects the Dealer transaction record.
    • BR - IPA银行放行交易记录(由IPA发送给交易商):v IPA将此记录发送给交易商,请求放行MMI交易,以便在直接转矩系统中发行. The Dealer will respond with a RR record.
    • RR -经销商对IPA银行放行交易记录的回复(由经销商发送给IPA):经销商在收到BR记录后将此记录发送给IPA. It indicates whether the Dealer accepts or rejects the IPA Bank Release Trade Record.
    • DH -经销商心跳请求记录(由经销商发送给IPA):经销商可定期将此记录发送给IPA,以验证其系统是否正常运行并能够接收消息记录. The IPA will respond with a HB record.
    • HB - IPA银行对经销商心跳请求记录的回复(从IPA发送给经销商):IPA将此记录发送给经销商,以响应收到的DH记录, to indicate that its system is operational and capable of receiving message records.
    • BH - IPA银行心跳请求记录(由IPA发送给经销商):IPA可定期将此记录发送给经销商,以验证其系统是否正常运行并能够接收消息记录. The Dealer will respond with a HD record.
    • HD -经销商对国际图联心跳请求记录的回复(由经销商发送给国际图联):经销商将此记录发送给国际图联,作为收到BH记录的回应, to indicate that its system is operational and capable of receiving message records.


    To implement PIM, Dealers or IPAs must:

    联系 Your Relationship Manager

    Your relationship manager (RM) will coordinate the following setup procedures:

    1) Execute a PIM协议

    Your RM will forward you three original copies of the PIM协议 already executed by a 直接转矩 officer. An authorized officer of your firm must execute the three originals. You must retain one original copy of the Agreement, and the other two original copies must be sent to your RM. The agreement must be received by 直接转矩 before any setup or implementation efforts can begin. This should be coordinated through your RM.

    Click 在这里 for the PIM Agreement form

    2) 安装支持

    • Once the agreement has been signed by the Dealer or IPA, RM将与直接转矩的参与者接口计划部(PIP)协调联系,并请求安装支持. This request must be in writing.
    • The bank or Dealer must establish a line connection to 直接转矩 if it does not have one already. The link established must be TCP/IP. If the bank or Dealer does not have an existing dedicated line, the PIP department will order one upon user's written request. New links often require six to eight weeks lead time to implement. Requests may be emailed to (电子邮件保护).
    • A PIP representative will send the Dealer or IPA the following documentation: Technical overview; 12 standard record layouts; error codes; and, MQSeries Information Form. 必须完成MQSeries表单并将其返回给PIP,才能在直接转矩的测试环境中启用用户. PIP代表将向经销商或IPA提供一个“测试队列管理器名称”,然后软件配置就可以开始了.
    • Once testing is completed, 必须提交另一个MQSeries表单,以便为生产环境中的用户启用“生产队列管理器名称”."
    • 直接转矩网络控制将全天主动监视PIM“死信”队列中未传递的消息. Upon Dealer or IPA request, 网络控制可以跟踪未能到达目的地的消息,并协助诊断故障.
    • A Dealer or IPA may contact 直接转矩's Customer 支持 Center (CSC) for support once in production. CSC将打开一个描述用户请求的“票证”,然后将该票证转发到存内的适当区域进行解决. The CSC can be reached Monday-Friday with 24-hour availability at (888) 382-2721.

  • 了解更多信息

    To request additional information, please click 在这里.

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  • 新闻

    Read the latest news updates about 直接转矩's Pre-Issuance Messaging Service (PIM). Visit the website to learn more about our settlement and asset services.

  • 法律

    Get legal information about 直接转矩's Pre-Issuance Messaging service including important notices, SEC rule filings and procedures. 在这里下载.

  • 支持

    存 support executives are available 24 hours a day. 有关直接转矩的发行前信息(PIM)和其他结算服务的问题,请联系我们!



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